“Herb and Vegetable Garden” on the balcony vol.2

“Herb and Vegetable Garden” on the balcony vol.2

Today, I will deliver the progress of the vegetables planted in the middle of August! It’s been less than a month since I planted it, but it’s grown a lot. The power of nature is really amazing!
Moreover, I’m lucky because there are not many chances to see the flower bloom in the vegetable, but this year I’ve seen plenty😁.
Here are my grown vegetables👇

Mizuna AFTER
Mizuna AFTER
yellow flowers bloomed

Chives AFTER
grown up???
Rocket AFTER
white flowers bloomed

It has been growing rapidly every day. It’s only three weeks since I planted it. No matter how much I eat, it grows one after another, so I shared it with my friends. They love my veggies. They said “it’s fresh and tasty 😋”
I did a good job!

By the way, spring has sprung here.
Here are beautiful flowers at Dad’s garden👇

It’s spring🌸 In Japan when it’s spring, it’s cherry blossoms and cherry blossom viewing. Here in Australia, many native plants flower, one that is particularly beautiful is a purple-flowered tree called Jacaranda, so I’ll upload some pictures soon!
See ya✋